Monday, January 24, 2011

The Night of Broken Glass

On the nights of November 9th and 10th, 1938, a series of attacks took place throughout Germany and in some parts of Austria called Kristallnacht. The attacks targeted Jewish property, synagogues, the Jews themselves and practically anything the Jewish people owned. On November 10th, Joseph Goebbels the current Reich Minister of Propaganda at that time called of the pogrom. The events were called Kristallnacht, which literally means 'crystal night', because of all the shattered glass left on the streets the following days. German estimates say that fewer than 100 were killed and that 30000 were arrested and taken to concentration camps. On top of the destruction of Jewish property, the Jews were made to pay 6 million Reichmarks as the Nazis argued that the Jews actually caused it.

The Kristallnacht attacks took place in response to the assassination of Ernst vom Rath by a 17 year old Jew. But the aggression that took place probably would not have been so strong were it not for the propaganda released by the Nazi Party. The propaganda was used to shape every German citizen to believe what Hitler believed, and that was that Jews were the enemy. Hitler also targeted propaganda towards children as he knew that it would be a member of the youth in Germany that would grow to become the next Fuhrer. He wanted the future-Fuhrer to teach what Hitler instilled into Germany’s people to the Nazis of the future.

I’m surprised that so many people would change their opinions on Jewish people so radically as Germany was not particularly an anti-Semitist nation before the Nazi Party came to power. Other people did not agree particularly with the Nazis but they still did not do anything about it and just chose to accept what was going on, in turn, becoming a bystander. If it were me in that same situation, I would probably also choose to be a bystander.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What's a Learning Profile?

I found that I'm a Learning Profile C. A Learning Profile explains what kind of learner you are and can be found by taking some simple tests to find your dominant eye, ear, hand and leg. Then you must decide whether you are a more logical or a more gestalt person. If you're a more logical person, you would think of 'pieces of a picture' and if you are gestalt dominant you look at the 'whole picture.'

Being a Profile C, I am logic dominant and I learn best by focusing on pieces of information I can hear. With my right ear being dominant I can take in pieces of information best when my right ear can be easily used, meaning I would have to sit on the left side of the speaker or where the sound is coming from. I process and learn a piece of information best by explaining it again or writing. My left eye scans from right to left and I sometimes possess a difficulty reading languages that go from left to right, like English. I find this true as sometimes while I'm reading, I might get confused about a sentence and read it multiple times. A good way to work around this problem is to reverse the direction of which I'm reading and scan a sentence from right to left. While under stress I am limited in the ability to take in a lot of information visually. I would like my teachers to know that I prefer a well-structured and organized lesson in order to keep things simple and easier to understand for me.