Monday, September 19, 2011

'The Blue Marble'

"The Lorax" by Dr Seuss is a fictional story, essentially about a Once-ler who decides to open up a small business cutting down Truffula trees and making products called Thneeds out of them. The Lorax tries to persuade the Once-ler to not continue with his business, but the Once-ler ignores the Lorax's warning. But eventually the small business turns into a factory. The destruction of Truffula trees means that a native animal must move away as they have no food source. The pollution from the factory also causes more native animals to flee. In the end, the Once-ler chops down the last tree and his business is forced to close down. Years later , a boy is then given the last Trufulla seed so that the boy can plant and potentially revive the Truffula tree population.

Even though "The Lorax" is aimed at children, there are many messages in the book that can be related to problems in the real world. I believe that the book could be foreshadowing what could happen to our world if we continue to neglect and mistreat our planet like what happened in the book, as the events happening in the book could be compared to events happening in the real world, such as dumping waste products in to rivers, deforestation and releasing pollutants into the atmosphere. I believe that the Earth is worth fighting for.

The Earth is worth fighting for because we depend on a lot of nature in order to survive. It gives us the oxygen that we breathe and without oxygen a majority of life on Earth today, would be nonexistent. Our planet gives us energy and resources which is extremely important, as without the natural energy and resources, we would not be able to do many of the tasks we do in everyday life today. Nature also starts off the food chain which we depend on to survive as it provides us with a source of food. Besides needing Earth to survive, a world without nature would be nothing more than urbanized land. It is also important to remember to keep a balance with nature, meaning that if we choose to have urbanized areas we also need to have natural land as well.

It is important to respect the Earth as it is where we as people make our homes. It is important to preserve nature as it is also the home of many other things that live on this planet and many generations to come. Nature and Earth isn't just where humans live, and it's important to respect that. After all, we as people have caused all these problems on the planet, so shouldn't it be our responsibility to find the solutions?

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Equality - Paving the Way Towards Utopia

"Men are created equal, it is only men themselves who place themselves above equality." - David Allan Coe

Equality is the state of equal freedom, rights, opportunities and treatment. Had I the opportunity to create a new society and could only choose one characteristic that this society would follow, I would choose equality.

With equality comes equal and mutual respect and treatment of others. When disputes within this society occur, it would be solved through collaboration and consensus rather than violence and hostile behavior. Equal opportunities, would mean that the social hierarchy would not be as radical as the hierarchy in place today, meaning that there would be no exceedingly poor or rich compared to the rest of society. Equal rights and freedom would place no individual or group above the laws and norms established. 

Equality is important as it leads to a more efficient society that can handle problems much easier. A society with equality as a primary principle will be able to find solutions towards problems much faster than a society which argues and fights over everything.